Here's me with some of the wonderful staff at Tempurung Seaside Lodge where I've spent the past two weeks or so. It's definitely the most exotic location I've ever taught in. Our classroom was overlooking the sea and sometimes the wind was so strong it blew all our paper around. I always had a delightful sheen of sweat on my brow but thankfully the students were hot too! On our last lesson we swam in the sea together fully clothed. The kids favourite game seemed to involve pretending they were drowning and getting rescued by me- "Teacher, teacher. HELP US!" It was a health and safety nightmare! Actually I really enjoyed it and we had some tears yesterday when we said goodbye.

As you can see, they look like real horrors. The cheetah team and the lion team. Favourite games- What's the time Mister Wolf? and singing Head , shoulders, knees and toes.