As I write another lump is forming in my throat- I'm surprised at how sad and sentimental I feel about leaving India. It seems to be reminding me of the time so long ago when my family said a tearful farewell to our home in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and Africa. But that was not forever and neither shall this be. I already have plans of how to get back in and stay (student visas seem to be the way to go). I haven't decided what I'll do but various plans are forming up my sleeve- yoga therapy, volunteering, studying and living in an ashram. Funds need to be replensihed first though...Gis a job?
I won't miss beeping outside my window at 11pm and 5am and whenever I'm trying to do meditation. I won't miss frustrated gents staring at my private parts! And I won't miss rickshaw drivers taking me for the wrong kind of ride, in the wrong direction completely, paying more attention to joking around with their mate who appears to be sitting on their knee as they careen round blind corners. I'm just trying to make myself feel better because since yesterday tears have been erupting at the least little thing!
I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends, to offering them all free yoga lessons and massages. I'm feeling pretty excited about bread buns covered in seeds and walks in the countryside and peace and quiet. And I can't describe the sheer bliss at the thought of getting to wear just what I like without fear of offending someone with my breasts!

The last month has flown by in a haze of headstands (I can hold one for 7 minutes now with variations), chanting (my most challenging class on the TTC- not my forte at all!), in-depth philosophy lessons with a brahmin professor (we agreed to disagree on many subjects and he certainly got me thinking!), anatomy and diet and nutrition classes.

So I'm now certified to teach beginners' yoga classes although one of the most valuable lessons I learned on the course was that I don't really want to use yoga as a way to earn my daily bread. I'd much rather study and practise it as much as possible and not run the risk of spoiling our wonderful relationship by turning it into a potential cause of stress.