So it's my first experience working in a kitchen- we're making meals for 150 people. I generally prepare salads or vegetables and do quite a bit of cleaning. There are some impressive over-sized bowls and other utensils and some great industrial power tools and an amazing oven which seems to be able to read your mind.
It's also my first experience of living in a caravan. All I can say so far is- COLD. And it's only October and the weather has been kind to us. I have my systems in place- hot water bottle shoved up my jumper, hat on at all times, clothes on the radiator 10 mins before I get up etc. I'v been reading a book about a guy who goes to build a log cabin and live out the winter in Alaska so I don't feel I have much to complain about on this score. I like the other caravan features though- it's luxurious and should really be termed a mobile home as it's got three bedrooms and a sizeable living-room. It's the first time I've ever had a 3 bedroom place to myself- Oh the irony!
I will try to share my thoughts and experiences more often now that I've sorted out the technology and ofund some time.
Bhavatu, Sabba, Mangalam (May all of you and all beings be happy)