Saturday, 28 February 2015

Something about a flower

Image result for blue flower

Something about a flower
Is that it opens and accepts
The Sun.
And sometimes it closes
Its petals.
It doesn’t know if it’s beautiful 
Or grateful,
Or why.
It just opens sometimes
And then closes again.

Sunday, 8 February 2015


Bent legs- perfect petals
Straight back- strong, secure
Peaceful- above and below
Body scanning- relaxing,
Floating on sensations.
A promise to myself, to the Earth, to the Universe:
An end to suffering.

Fishtail Mountain:
On a path, on a hillside
Staring at the mountain
Smooth like plaster cast
Around me, the village waking up
Nearby I know there’s a little temple;
Exquisite wood carvings- deities.
Going back now I would bow there.

Standing in the mountain now,
Weather systems of opinions and emotions;
Cycles of criticism and judgement;
Storms of anger and resentment.
The mountain can tell me which voice to listen to:
The still quiet one;
How to be patient and wait for the signs.

Spreading oak.
Old friend.
You haven’t changed a bit.
Perhaps your majestic coat is slightly brighter
On this summer’s day.
But your wide, solid arms are always there,
Inviting me towards your huggable trunk.
Your kissable leaves sway gently as I breathe you in
And listen to your wise sap rising.
Precious, precious being.

I have shallow roots all over
Connecting with others
Wide range of traditions:
Breathing, deer, eagles in the sky,
Low mists and rain
And the smell of cut wood

That is God, Divine Mother:

More from Yogaland”

Green-Eyed Goddess

“What are the attributes of Green Tara?”
A big voice boomed,
And when I woke I looked longingly,
Into her open face.

What does Divine Mother mean to me?
I feel her in my cells,
I hear her in our voices buzzing
Om Namah Shivaya.

My lotus heart tears open,
Yearns and longs to know You-
Sparkling Green Goddess, Tara,
What dost thou mean to me?

I am a child,
You cover me
With a butterfly’s wing,
And I float in the bliss of Brahmic pools.

But a voice says,
“It’s just sensations.
Show me something permanent
And then I will believe.”

The Jealous Goddess offers me a lotus
The colour of a Truthful throat,
And in the centre is an earthy pink spiral
That has no end. Oh! My essence;

Precious jewel,
“Keep Her polished and sparkling
In service to that greater Jewel.
That All may sparkle everywhere.”

Just as suddenly, I get wrong-sided
By murky confusion, tricksy emotions,
Crackling mysteries of the deep,
Other-worldly fish.

Change! I saw a light and in the centre was a black (W)hole.
It is ancient and All is created there.
A black vagina
Surrounded by light.

But I am re-minded:
“All is ever-changing.
Show me something permanent
And then I will believe.”