Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Detail at the Red Fort

Hamuyan's Tomb

Lodi Gardens

Bahai Temple


Rob said...

Hi Clare

I can't imagine having a day that starts at 5:30 am and then ends at 10:00 pm. I need a good 8 hours a night or after a couple of days I'm half dead. It would be great only to need 6 hours a night or so.


Clare B said...

I'm catching up on the lost sleep now Rob! But the meditation certainly helps. Needing less sleep is one of the benefits.

Anonymous said...

At my age (don't ask!)or is it just me, your body clock just wakes you up before you get your 7 or 8 hours - it's not fair!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry - the above (anonymous)is me, Clare.
Lots of love and happiness,