The diary extracts that will follow in the next week or so are a series of experiences I wrote about near the beach in Tempurung, north Borneo. My days at the beach house were a great opportunity to practise yoga and meditation, but as is my wont, I often had periods of loneliness and frustration in paradise, surrounded as I was by canoodling honeymooners and happy family groups. One evening while walking along the beach alone, I realised exactly what I should do...
All these events happened over a period of 4 months but they are all closely connected and related to the search that I have been on since leaving London in September 2008.
I will gradually add another part of the ‘story’ to my blog and hope that this makes it more manageable for all my friends and family, who, I greatly appreciate, lead very busy and active lives. Although these are my personal experiences, I sincerely hope that the people who read about them can benefit from the inner journeys I have had the time and great privilege to travel.
May you all be well, happy and peaceful.
May you all be well, happy and peaceful.
Sorry Clare - couldn't quite make out what was written on the sand ....'Write......?'
Please clarify - thanks.
Love, Pauline
I wondered if you could see it! It says 'Write it Down!'
Thanks - I did think it was 'Write it down' (in context) but then 'down' didn't look like 'd-o-w-n'.
Is there a photo of Holly (large image)? I'm sure you'll get round to it when you have the time.
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