Just been for a typical India experience. I don't know why I do it to myself- I think I get bored and then want something to moan/ think/ laugh about. Went for a waxing- first there were two women looking at my legs and ass, chatting and laughing (will never know if they were talking about me or not), then there were three and finally there were FIVE at the point where I was having my bikini done! I no longer understand the meaning of the word 'embarrassment'. I was then asked how 'that happened to my skin'. Enquiring as to what 'that' actually was, I was told 'the pigmentation' all over your body! That is the umteeneth time I have been told I have a skin disease (it's the freckles) in the past month- on the Ayurveda course I was asked to be model for a facial after which they all congratulated me on the fact that my pimentations had reduced. I responded by shouting out "No! I like my freckles!" and confirmed my place in the land of the unblessed. I'm really trying not to feel like a complete freak.
However it is a good experience to feel like a freak sometimes and I will never, never view any poor soul who is not 'normal' as a weirdo again. All the deformed, maimed and 'strange' are my brothers and sisters in Freakdom and we are all beautiful in our uniqueness. Normal sucks! 
Right- well thanks for reading my rant. I'm now going to the post office to get stared at and mocked. But I will stand with my head held high, proud to be different and if anyone asks I will tell them that it's highly contageous and that they've probably caught it already so they may as well accept it. It's not fatal but they sure as shit will find it hard to get themselves a mate!

Right- well thanks for reading my rant. I'm now going to the post office to get stared at and mocked. But I will stand with my head held high, proud to be different and if anyone asks I will tell them that it's highly contageous and that they've probably caught it already so they may as well accept it. It's not fatal but they sure as shit will find it hard to get themselves a mate!

1 comment:
Hilarious Clare. Re facebook!
Polyn xx
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