The following are some random photos of various things I've done recently (some through choice and others not). For example the Kirtan evening I inadvertantly found myself at when I thought I was going to a talk on Aryuveda. I had been to one of these evenings before and decided it wasn't my thing. It involves a call and response of various religious chants and quite a lot of religious-like fervour and swaying. This is the Swami who had me creased up all evening (thank GOD for some relief)- he looked more bored than I felt, he texted his mates on his mobile several times, his phone rang at the height of the fervour, he hummed random, unrelated tunes at inappropriate interludes, he lives in a cave and sells DVDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are for you Diana. I was glad you weren't there I'm afraid- you know why!!!!!!!!!

These are my Swedish friends looking non-plussed:

I love these rules of conduct from the Rotary club.

Stop it!


Some 'rangoolies' (not sure about the spelling) for Diwali. A lot of families draw these daily to show that everything is ok in their household. They look impressive even before you realise that they are often drawn freehand and with powder made out of crushed up shells not a stick of chalk. There's a woman I have watched in the mornings on my way back from practice who does beautiful ones without any template. I think this is Soul Art.

Diana and I enjoying an evening at the Dynasty Hotel roof terrace at Diwali. As well as fireworks, we spotted a rat running up the pillars!

This is a laundrette. Not my local but very similar. At my place I have a running 'situation' with the chap about a pair of trousers I dropped off there 3 weeks ago and which are always ready 'tomorrow'. I think he is teaching me, in a very vivid manner, that 'tomorrow never comes'. (Good job I don't like the trousers that much eh?)
This is a yogi supply shop and homestay restaurant which is near to where the old shala used to be. The lady who runs it told us that she had regularly made breakfast, lunch and dinner for many famous ashtanga yogis including John Scott, Richard Freeman, David Williams... She is a Brahmin and doesn't employ anyone to help her prepare food, which has to be kept pure (and therefore untouched by non-Brahmins) so she gets up at 4am everyday to make breakfast, which was wonderful.

My Swedish friends again: Annette, Olle, Tina and Brita enjoying cappuccinos and 'hard house' at Barista coffee shop.
1 comment:
An update on the trousers situation for anyone who's sad or bored enough to give two hoots: the trousers were finally returned to me the day before I left Mysore, beautifully dyed black, washed and ironed. I paid the princely sum of less than a quid for this service and now prefer the trousers to how they were before I spilt coffee all over them. My laundry man may be slow but...
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