Sunday, 23 November 2008

Teaching in Shanthi Nagar

Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for the past month, I have been taking a 20 minute rickshaw ride through Mysore, away from the 'Beverley Hills' area of privilege and massive houses to Shanthi Nagar, a predominantly Muslim area of little alleyways and tiny mud houses. Sheep and goats run around everywhere, the diesel fumes are overpowering and there are lots of smells and noises that I fail to identify easily! I teach a group of 6-14 year old school children for a local charity called Pratham which is funded in part by the charitable wing of the shala where I study yoga. These children have been identified as needing extra English to help them integrate into secondary school more easily. I teach them simple spoken English on such topics as animals, colours, parts of the body etc. Lots of games and songs and my favourite: animal noises!
My PC version of hangman which involves kids getting eaten by a shark.

Look at their adoring little faces! God knows what I'm doing?!
Simon Says- our favourite!
Me trying in vain to encourage some pairwork!

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