Tuesday 14 October 2008

Desara Festival and other stuff...

Last week Mysore celebrated the Desara Festival which lasted about 10 days. As well as organised events such as an elephant parade, a torchlight procession and various music and dance events, people decorated their vehicles, got dressed up in their best clothes and seemed to have a lot of fun. It's the biggest festival in the Mysore calendar, even bigger than Diwali.

The Whitehouse was given a new look, decorated with banana leaves and a pattern on the pavement drawn with chalk.

People smash water melons on their threshold as offerings to the Goddess.

Some tough kids from the slum down the road from where I live.

A detail from the entrance to the cemetry.

The banana leaf seller:

Diana: "So. Two chillis and a lime?" (imagine an American intonation- she cracks me up).

The street sweepers of Gokulum performing puja for the festival.

Even Doctor Ramesh was celebrating!

I'm not sure what this guy was selling but I like his little stall.

Scrawny horses pull these beautifully decorated carts.

In the middle of Gokulum, next to a western style ice cram parlour, there is a street dairy- loads of cows milling around sometimes getting milked.

Some tipsy rickshaw drivers celebrating the festival.

The sugar cane juice sellers performing puja in front of their stall:There were some lovely flower displays around the lake:

More signs:
No thanks!
I'll say!

1 comment:

polyn said...

Love those ads especially the last one - softie!

Those postures are so cool but nigh on impossible for us humans.

p.s A Buddhist friend of mine also had a 'secret' mantra - for protection in times of danger.

Keep well and enjoy.
lots of love, P